Foodies100 Index of UK Food Blogs
Morphy Richards

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

30 days of salad. Day 1 - Avocado salad

Can you imagine eating salads for 30 days, and never be bored? I do. I think that salads are the perfect dish, which we can include in our diet and enjoy their flavor every day. For sure it will help us in the fight against unnecessary pounds and provide a lot of nutritional value. In order not to be tired eating leaves every day it is worth to mix different ingredients together, different flavors, different herbs and spices. Once more sweet, sometimes the sour, or more pointedly and certainly we do not ever get bored. Salads can be either an ideal starter for dinner, substitute potatoes or rice or a separate dish.  
So today, I am starting a series of "30 days of salads" and I look forward to your suggestions and comments. And for the begining, the salad with avocado.


1 or 2 avocado
the discretion of the salad mix: lettuce, arugula, eskarola, Roman, radicchio, Lollo rosso
coriander leaves
lemon juice
teaspoon of olive oil
salt to taste

  1. Cut the avocado into small pieces, chop the coriander and mix with salt, lemon juice and olive oil.
  2. Mix the salad leaves and ready.
  3. To this we can add a slice of whole-wheat chlebka and we have a delicious light supper.


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