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Morphy Richards

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Tuesday with yoga - bridge pose

For me, yoga is one of the best ways for good health of the body and getting rid of all types of pain, especially back pain. Yoga position for today's Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or bridge position.

Steps to make the position of the bridge:

  1.  Lie on your back. Bend your knees and pull your heels to the buttocks, legs, however,  remain perpendicular to the floor. Feet and knees should be hip-width apart, outer edges of the feet parallel to each other. Push the feet firmly on the floor. 
  2. Place your hands flat near the shoulders, fingers pointing toward the feet and pressed firmly into the floor. Set your elbows shoulder-width apart, elbows, head toward the ceiling, forearms should be perpendicular to the floor.
  3. On the exhale lift your pelvis up, try to keep it high enough to cross the bone is parallel to the floor, roll up your tailbone at the same time. (If you have a problem with high-elevation basin, you can try a variant with raised heels to the top of lift at the toes and then press the feet).
  4. Tilt your head slightly to the back, put the tip of the head on the floor, push your heels and hands and then lift your pelvis as high as her chest. Try to maintain a constant distance between the elbows. 
  5.  Open the chest and stretch, breathe calmly. And then on the exhale dźwignij again, straightening your elbows. Now, head hanging down, make sure that the face must be passive, try not to stretch the neck.
  6. Remove the arms on the outside, pull the shoulder to the center. Do not let your knees widened out, do not straighten your legs at the knees, the legs must be strong and immovable, they are to lift you up, the burden can not fall to the loins. Rotate the leg to the inside. Your body should be taut like a bow. Stay in the position for several breaths (5-10 seconds).
  7. Exit the position on the exhale: bend your arms, put his head on the floor, bend your hands and knees and then lay back on the mat. You may have to repeat several times the position. After this asana is indicated the opposite position: bend forward.

The greatest benefit of the bridge pose is that it relieves back pain, especially lower back pain. If you want to have a strong hand and foot bridge position is ideal because all your weight is on your hands and feet. If, in turn, in spite of a strict diet, you can not get rid of belly fat, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana position will help you to  have a flat stomach. When you lift up, stretch the abdominal muscles and thus lose belly fat. All the internal organs get the impulse to run correctly. In addition, the bridge position regulates blood pressure, improves heart function, tones the kidneys, regulates the work of the genitourinary system, combats sexual dysfunction and infertility, helps fight depression, cure asthma and back pain. This item adds energy throughout the day.

Try and tell me how you are feeling after this position.

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