Foodies100 Index of UK Food Blogs
Morphy Richards

Thursday 17 January 2013


I am sure that everyone old and young, during spring, summer, autumn or winter has some problems with skin. How often do you have a moments that you don't want to look into the mirror as your skin isn't perfect?
I think that we should always follow good skincare regime and I am sure it will help our skin to recover from late nigths, unhealthy diet, stress, central heating, cold weather etc.

Take care of you skin all year round and below there are few the most important tips which I always follow. And what about you how do you care about your skin? Do you have any special tips?

  My skincare tips:

1. Beauty start from within - healthy, well balanced diet, 5 small dishes during the day contain vegetables, fruits, fishes, proteins.
2. Hydration - ensure that you are properly hydrated, drink a lot of mineral water
3. Daily sun protection - protect your skin year round using sun protection skin and it will keep wrinkles away in the future
4. Moisturise - good daily moisturiser morning and evening help to nourish and protect the skin
5. Keep skin clean- always remove your make up before going to bed, however tired you are
6. Weekly treats - it is w0rth to do face mask once a week to moisturise and clean your skin - I always do this on Saturdays
7. Peeling - Good peeling removes dead cells that causes dullness and encourages your skin to produce new ones for a healthy grow

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